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 You’re looking at the very first issue
of Innovative with! This new magazine
showcases Arkema’s incredible ability to innovate in partnership with leading experts in a number
of fields, against the backdrop of growing
demand for both sustainability and performance. In this issue, we take a closer look at electroactive fluoropolymers. Developed by our Advanced Materials business segment, they are used
in organic and printed electronic systems.
Find out how they pave the way for high-tech solutions for tomorrow’s retail and industrial applications, thanks to their special qualities. Electroactive fluoropolymers are set to revolutionize our daily lives and bring about major progress in electronics, medicine, and the automotive industry. As a leader in specialty materials, Arkema operates at the heart of an international ecosystem
that is focused on bringing this promising market to fruition. In Innovative with, we talk to people
in industry and startups, as well as academics
and researchers, about their innovations
and the ways in which we are working together towards success.
R&D Vice President, Arkema

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